Tally Talwar


Tally Talwar is a Jack of all trades and master of some. He is a certified Drone Pilot, who works for the Ministry of Tourism and international brands. He is also an avid traveler, having traveled by road for over 160,000 kilometers across India.

Tally has a passion for flying drone (Quad) and videography, and his expertise has been put to use in creating stunning visuals for his clients. He has worked with several international brands, to create mesmerizing aerial visuals.

Tally is also a creative thinker, and he has developed innovative solutions for a number of projects. He is always looking to push boundaries, and create something unique and special.

Tally is an expert in all things digital, and he is constantly looking for new ways to improve his craft. He is an expert in using the latest technologies and tools for his projects, and he often finds himself at the cutting edge of the industry.